Sustainability Guidelines
We seek a balanced and integrated chain, based on collaboration and creation of value for all that compose it. We want to re-establish the culture of the field and the sense of belonging in each work front with shared results and create a virtuous cycle between producers, processors, retailers and consumers.

We carry out a new process every year called of materiality. Materiality is the identification of the most relevant aspects for the long term. With the aim to understand our evolutions and in what aspects we need to build a specific agenda, we performed interviews with experts market, executives and collaborators, document analysis, sector studies, market benchmarks, among other activities. This whole process allows us to validate and revise the list of priorities for sustainability management of the company.
With this, the legacy we intend to structure, based on a broad vision of sustainability, includes the positive transformation of the BRF global network focused on the main topics:
Demonstrating the company’s understanding of the relevance of aspects related to corporate responsibility and its role as a promoter of sustainable development, we work on large fronts that contemplate these issues, not only in our own operations, but also in the whole chain. Thus, aspects such as the environmental compliance of manufacturing operations, the development of integrated suppliers and producers, the respect and appreciation of our people and voluntary adherence to animal welfare commitments have been increasingly integrated into the business and the purpose of BRF.
For that, our indicators and socio-environmental goals are developed by multiple BRF areas and monitored continuously by the Sustainability area. Aware of the challenge of implementing sustainable management, we study trends and good global actions. We examine its connection with our business, carry out socio-environmental risk analysis, bet on tools for engagement, learning and sustainability culture, map good practices to disseminate and recognize them and dialogue with the market about our progress and challenges.