Our culture
Our history began more than 85 years ago. Since then, a lot has changed in the world - and we are also changing to keep evolving and writing this story.
But do you know what hasn't changed? Our passion for working with food.
We are more than 100 thousand people worldwide, proud to build every day, a strong, diverse and alive culture, which changes without losing sight of what moves us: our purpose.
We are part of a large ecosystem. And we know that our performance in the world only makes sense if we contribute to a better life for those who are also part of it.
Our chain is alive, long and complex and we manage it sustainably. Sustainable because it values our people, because it respects the environment and animal welfare, and because, by fostering business growth, it creates and shares value with everyone who makes it up.
Thriving in this chain is a daily challenge that requires vision, courage, empathy, knowledge and responsibility.
Our commitments
We produce each food based on 3 non-negotiable commitments: safety, quality and integrity.
It is a precondition of everything we do because it is related to life and health.
It must be in everything we do: from products and services, to daily processes, behaviors and activities. Our products are safe and strictly adhere to our standard. We only offer food that we put on our family's table.
And always comply with the legislation, the commitments we have signed and our Transparency Manual, and act according to our Essence.
Fundamental Principles
And we only managed to do this because we respect the determining principles of this chain:

The competent management of the interdependence between the whole and the parts, between production and demand, and between the short and long term guarantees the perenniality of BRF and its chain.

The knowledge and development of people, an environment that values diversity and relationships based on honesty and respect ensure BRF's smooth operation and constant Evolution.

Our attitude is above and beyond the line: we take responsibility for efficiency, innovation and excellence at all times. Our culture of results ensures the high performance and the economic, social and environmental sustainability of the business, the chain and the communities in which we operate.